miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Actividad 7

Amigos de otras culturas

Learning Objective: Students will understand that “inteculturality” contributes to the construction of a diverse and inclusive society, expresing clearly and experientially a common language, taking into account all existing languages (plastic, literary, musical, corporal, etc.)

Value of the week: empathy 

Topic: Interculturality 

Subtopic: Mary and her friends 

Do you have friends? 

Do you like your friends?

1. Read the passage. 

I love my friends
Hi, my name is Mary. Today, I go to study with my friends in the school. My friends usually learn with me. Juan is a good friend. He is from Argentina. Karen is tall. She works very hard in the school. Andres likes to read books in the class. He is from Chile. My best friend is Carlos. He always wears a turban. He does his homework very well. We like to play and have a good time together talking about our countries.

2. Read again and circle the correct answer. 

Juan is from 
a. Argentina
b. Ecuador

Andrés likes to read 
a. magazines
b. books

3. Circle the countries that you find in the paragraph. 

4. Draw an activity you can do with people from different countries. 

5. Read about interculturality and find words that describe different cultures. 

In our schools we encounter families who dress, eat, think or pray in a way we aren’t used to. Children and teenagers, with their innate curiosity, ask who they are, why they act like that, and why these differences exist. In many cases they may laugh at those who are different, and in the worst scenario, they may isolate or discriminate against students who come from different backgrounds, cultures or religions. Teachers and parents face these situations more and more frequently — and they must be ready to provide answers and take actions to address these challenging situations.

6. Self-Evaluation: Tick Yes or No 

Guarda el trabajo de esta sección de inglés y exponla a tu familia en tu feria en casa.

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 EDUCACIÓN CULTURAL Y ARTÍSTICA ACTIVIDAD N. 1 Observa las siguientes  imágenes: ACTIVIDAD  N. 2 REFLEXIÓN:   EL  MODELADO  (pasar  al  cuad...